Student Program (we'll have content after 3/27)
Things to do in Portland
Companion package information
MC Runner bios
Some additional CFP information – even just a when it's going to happen would be good
Conference map
Random picture gallery
Sponsor Logos
Event Descriptions
We are leveraging the LF's event registration system – already built
Initial registration is going to be handled by a mass email with a private link to the registration form
When general registration opens a link is to be added to the main site. This takes about 15 minutes.
Finalize, review and test the registration form - including special circumstances
Answer Inaky's question about PayPal (this is really LF's call, since we are using their system and banking).
Finalize the companion package (SO's and Spouses at events for an additional cost)
Finish up and approve the attendee list
Publicize that general registration is opening
Finish up pre-registration website updates
Decide how many spots to open in the initial general-registration period - 200?
Add descriptions of the evening events (not in my original list of items for website update)
Add sponsor logos
Get an account on - email pdx-conf and ask. Ask
them to add you to the pdxplumbers group or you can't create a copy of
your web site in the right place.
Once you are logged in:
$ newgrp pdxplumbers
$ mkdir cd /var/www/<username>
$ cd /var/www/<username>
$ git-clone /var/www/
$ cd site
Now edit template/config.php to set the site root directory to your clone:
<?php $ROOT=/users/<username>/site/" ?>
Don't forget the trailing slash. Note that links to other parts of
the web site should include this variable.
Right: <a href="<?php echo $ROOT ?>committee">
Wrong: <a href="/committee">
Wrong: <a href=>
Now fix the news feed error:
$ chmod 777 cache
Your new web site should be visible at:<username>/site/
When you want to check in changes:
$ git-status # see what's changed
$ git-add [files you actually want to commit changes to] # DON'T include template/config.php
$ git-status # make sure you got them all
$ git-commit
$ git-push /var/www/ master:master
$ cd /var/www/
$ git-pull site.git master
News feed:
Get a wordpress blog from Brandon - when you post to it, it will show
up on the front page. If you need to edit existing posts, ask Brandon
for admin access, then go to:
Once you've finished editing posts, get rid of the web-site cache of
the old versions of the posts:
$ rm cache/[0-9]* # don't delete README, git will haunt you
(I assume this has to be done on the main site too.)