Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /var/www/plumbers/htdocs/inc/auth.php on line 154
conference_webpage [The Plumbers]

Next Date for Content Updates - April 2, 2008

  • Student Program (we'll have content after 3/27)
  • Things to do in Portland
  • Companion package information
  • MC Runner bios
  • Some additional CFP information – even just a when it's going to happen would be good
  • Conference map
  • Random picture gallery
  • Sponsor Logos
  • Event Descriptions

Registration Information

  • We are leveraging the LF's event registration system – already built
  • Initial registration is going to be handled by a mass email with a private link to the registration form
  • When general registration opens a link is to be added to the main site. This takes about 15 minutes.
Items to be done to get to that point:
  • Finalize, review and test the registration form - including special circumstances
  • Answer Inaky's question about PayPal (this is really LF's call, since we are using their system and banking).
  • Finalize the companion package (SO's and Spouses at events for an additional cost)
  • Finish up and approve the attendee list
  • Publicize that general registration is opening
  • Finish up pre-registration website updates
  • Decide how many spots to open in the initial general-registration period - 200?
  • Add descriptions of the evening events (not in my original list of items for website update)
  • Add sponsor logos

General Site Information

  • Currently hosted at OSL (thanks!)
  • Please let Jen or Brandon know if you have any changes/suggestions.

Editing the website

Get an account on - email pdx-conf and ask.  Ask
them to add you to the pdxplumbers group or you can't create a copy of
your web site in the right place.

Once you are logged in:

$ newgrp pdxplumbers
$ mkdir cd /var/www/<username>
$ cd /var/www/<username>
$ git-clone  /var/www/
$ cd site

Now edit template/config.php to set the site root directory to your clone:

<?php $ROOT=/users/<username>/site/" ?>

Don't forget the trailing slash.  Note that links to other parts of
the web site should include this variable.

Right: <a href="<?php echo $ROOT ?>committee">
Wrong: <a href="/committee">
Wrong: <a href=>

Now fix the news feed error:

$ chmod 777 cache

Your new web site should be visible at:<username>/site/

When you want to check in changes:

$ git-status # see what's changed
$ git-add [files you actually want to commit changes to] # DON'T include template/config.php
$ git-status # make sure you got them all
$ git-commit

$ git-push /var/www/ master:master
$ cd /var/www/
$ git-pull site.git master

News feed:

Get a wordpress blog from Brandon - when you post to it, it will show
up on the front page.  If you need to edit existing posts, ask Brandon
for admin access, then go to:

Once you've finished editing posts, get rid of the web-site cache of
the old versions of the posts:

$ rm cache/[0-9]* # don't delete README, git will haunt you

(I assume this has to be done on the main site too.)
conference_webpage.txt · Last modified: 2008/06/18 16:12 by val
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